Yann Marguet - To exist: definition
After having won over the audience of Couleur 3, Yann Marguet is launching into the creation of his first show "Exister: definition." With his signature tone, that of the absurd and the moving pathos, the comedian is trying to understand the meaning of life. "Exister, definition, is my face all alone on stage saying even more bullshit for even longer than usual. Exister, definition, it's about us, who live without really knowing how or why. Exister, definition, it makes you laugh, it makes you cry and it makes you say: "BUT THAT'S SO MUCH, OTHER THAN THAT!" Exister, definition, is a WEAPON, Madam, against the existential blues. Exister, definition, is the 101st Nettles, it's the lost Nettle of Atlantis, it's a Nettle to rule them all and bind them in the darkness. »
Where does it take place?
Espace Culturel de Rombas
Espace Culturel de Rombas
Place de l'Hôtel de ville
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