I brought my drawings, paintings, and sculptures to the Modulab gallery in Metz. Belly wanders through exhibitions, the Stropiat smokes in a bar, I paint in the studio. Belly shows up, Belly presents itself, Belly inflates, Belly deflates. I retrospective. Belly unfolds, Belly hangs, Belly installs. I compose. The Stropiat smokes, the Stropiat annoys, the Stropiat analyzes. I show. Belly drags batons, Belly plays, Belly is powerful. I tell. The Stropiat smokes matrakigars, burns matrakandles, traffics. I represent, I sketch and recomrepopose. I paint, Belly painturizes, the Stropiat poses, I propose. The Stropiat guts, Belly cripples, I peinventrelure. Ventrepriat stroje, Jetrelure peinjoue, Strofumeje piature.
Where does it take place?
Galerie Modulab
28 Rue Mazelle
57000 Metz
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