A Brief Monologue on a Long Time
Kasemattentheater - Centre Grand-Ducal d'Art Dramatique asbl
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A short monologue on a long time
by Guy Helminger
Directed by Liss Scholtes
With Jil Devresse, Brigitte Urhausen, and Philippe Thelen
Set design: Soojin Oh
Assistant director: Béatrice Paquet
Technical support: Pascal Klein
Is every autobiography a lie, an invention? What is true about what Guy tells? And if personal identity is already a narrative, what happens when it concerns an entire group or even a nation?
Guy, whoever he is, has had enough of all the alternative truths, the so-called narratives, well-intentioned but not thought through.
Locked in the Kasemattentheater, he monologizes about the Prime Minister, about Luxembourg, about the fact that the harmony of identity is nothing but the melody of totalitarianism. Scenes from his life, his thoughts, his behavior appear. Parents show up, childhood friends, love.
All that he discards. But nothing fits together.
Homogeneity seems to be a puzzle whose pieces don't fit, the core the result of a reduction, something overlooked. And that's what people call identity. Absurd, grotesque, says Guy and laughs as much about the whole fuss as probably the audience does about his rambling.
Good to know
Location: Kasemattentheater
Language: Luxembourgish
Automatically translated from Luxembourgish.
Where does it take place?
Théâtre des Casemates
rue du Puits
2355 Bonnevoie
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