Conference during the Cludem Prize award ceremony
Lëtzebuerg City Museum, auditorium
by Theo Schley for his thesis "The Citizens and their King. The Prague Citizens in the Service of John of Luxembourg (1310 1346)"
17h15: Press conference
6 p.m.: Presentation of CLUDEM by Michel Margue, president of CLUDEM
6:15 p.m.: Presentation of the Prix CLUDEM, the decision of the jury and the award by Michel Pauly, president of the jury
18h30: Exposé "The Citizens and their King. The Prague Citizens in the Service of John of Luxembourg (1310 1346)" by the Lauréat Theo Schley (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf)
19h15: Questions du public
19h45: Fin
The Citizens and Their King: The Citizens of Prague in the Service of John of Luxembourg
Lecture at the CLUDEM Prize award ceremony, December 5, 2024, Luxembourg
Theo Schley, Dr. des.
In this lecture I would like to present some of the main results of my doctoral thesis, which examines the relationships between King John of Luxembourg and the Prague (Old Town) civic elite. To this day, King John is not considered a ruler and politician who paid much attention to the city elites in his domain. . In the Czech Republic, he is still considered to be responsible for the alleged political marginalization of the cities in the Bohemian ruling structure. This must be questioned. Based on the observation of the interdependence between the monarchy and (German) imperial cities, the lecture presents key interest groups among the citizens of the Bohemian capital and traces the development of its alliance with King John. Through this change of perspective from the point of view of the citizens to the king, instead of the other way around, the previously under-exposed repercussions of the close alliance between citizens and king come to light: the social and administrative consolidation of the city during John's reign, the social advancement of some upper-class families, the strengthening of John's sovereign functionality and finally the beginnings of a Johann-friendly memoria in Prague, which, however, is still overshadowed by his famous son.
Where does it take place?
Lëtzebuerg City Museum
14 Rue du Saint Esprit
1475 Ville-Haute Luxembourg
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