Smartphone, Tablet and Co. - Growing up in a Digital World
From an early age on, children are attracted to screens. Digital media is everywhere. But, when is it "too much"? What meaning does the virtual world have for children and also for us as parents? How do we deal with this kind of media in our family? How can I influence the way my child uses digital media? And what does my child need to cope with the real (and digital) world and to develop in a healthy way?
Webinar for parents of school-aged children (4-12 years) (ENGL)
Intervener: HINGER Anouk, psychologist, counsellor for addictions (CNAPA)
Good to know
Intervener: HINGER Anouk, psychologist and counselor for addictions (CNAPA)
Registration via our webpage.
Where does it take place?
Ecole des Parents Eltereschoul Janusz Korczak (Fondation Kannerschlass)
Rue Winston Churchill
4434 Sanem
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