Duration: 115 minutes
VO in German with French subtitles
By Andres Veiel. As a filmmaker, she created iconographic images. She always tried to deny her ideological proximity to the Nazi regime after World War II, strictly denying any interrelation between her art celebrating the beautiful, the healthy and the strong, and the terror of the regime. Leni Riefenstahl allowed only one representation of her biography: her own.
The estate of one of the most controversial women of the 20th century tells a different story. Private films and photos, recorded telephone conversations with close companions and personal letters: for the first time, award-winning documentary filmmaker Andres Veiel and TV journalist Sandra Maischberger have gained access to Riefenstahl's personal estate of 700 boxes. They have made it their mission to delve deeper into the life and work of Leni Riefenstahl. The aesthetics of her images are more present today than ever – and thus also her message?
Where does it take place?
Ciné Le Paris
CineLeParis Asbl
Rue de la Gare
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