Theater 'Sysmo Game'

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The Sysmo Game is the rave party for kids and adults, a game of collective choreographic creation. The Sysmo Game is an action game with its players (the public), its game master, its teams, levels, a high-tech sensor that records the energy of collective creation, and one rule: whatever you do, it’s perfect!

The Sysmo Game is the cooperative choreographic game that makes you shed jackets, lose weight, and connect with your neighbor. An immersive show with a high seismic energy content, after which you'll never say again that you can't dance. Spontaneous dance, dizzying rhythms, collective improvisation are the hallmarks of this essentially cooperative project.

Presented in the form of a necessarily winning game when the common objective is reached, it leads the audience throughout the session to create together a feverish choreography by drawing surprising tools from a remarkably effective toolkit. Like any other game, this one has a set of rules to follow, as well as a board and graphic cards.

Good to know

Artistic direction: Augustin de Bellefroid, with Tadzio Baudoux, Martin Moroni, Davy Palumbo, Gwenaël Dedonder, and Cédric Tassin.
Automatically translated from French.

Coursdecouture Arlon

Where does it take place?

6700 Belgique 6700 Arlon, Belgique

Coursdecouture Arlon
6700 Arlon


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Weather forecast (Arlon)

sun. 16
/ 10°


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  • Favorites
  • 2025-03-16 12:00:00 2025-03-16 13:00:00 Europe/Paris Theater 'Sysmo Game' The Sysmo Game is the rave party for kids and adults, a game of collective choreographic creation. The Sysmo Game is an action game with its players (the public), its game master, its teams, levels, a high-tech sensor that records the energy of collective creation, and one rule: whatever you do, it’s perfect! The Sysmo Game is the cooperative choreographic game that makes you shed jackets, lose weight, and connect with your neighbor. An immersive show with a high seismic energy content, after which you'll never say again that you can't dance. Spontaneous dance, dizzying rhythms, collective improvisation are the hallmarks of this essentially cooperative project. Presented in the form of a necessarily winning game when the common objective is reached, it leads the audience throughout the session to create together a feverish choreography by drawing surprising tools from a remarkably effective toolkit. Like any other game, this one has a set of rules to follow, as well as a board and graphic cards. 6700 Arlon, Belgique Maison du Tourisme du Pays d'Arlon


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