Improv Taster Workshop

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  • théâtre
  • impro
  • improvisation
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Get your 2025 off to a thrilling start and join us for a joyful & creative workshop where we will explore the principles of improv: listening, "yes and...", working as a team, and embracing & celebrating failure & mistakes.
This workshop is suitable for absolute beginners and those with experience who want to play. The workshop will focus on various aspects of improv including games, short-form and long-form that allow you to try out improv in a safe and supportive team environment. Improv is a great way to meet new people so please join us afterwards for a drink, some food and a chat.
What is improv? Improv is based upon the principle of ‘yes and’ meaning we accept what has been offered to us and build upon it. We make scenes on the spot based on a prompt, and see where the muse takes us. Teamwork, active listening, commitment, accepting mistakes and celebrating failure are all key to Improv and all of these skills can have positive effects outside the workshops in our personal and professional lives. Melissa strives to create a warm, supportive and safe environment where there is no pressure to be clever or funny; where you can just be yourself and most of all have tonnes of fun! Have some questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch.


Dig Deep Improv

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Rocas Bar

Où ça se passe ?

1313 Luxembourg Rocas café-théâtre / café-concert, Rue des Capucins, Ville-Haute Luxembourg

Rocas Bar
Rocas café-théâtre / café-concert
Rue des Capucins
Ville-Haute Luxembourg



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Tous les bons plans
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  • Favoris
  • 2025-01-15 19:00:00 2025-01-15 21:00:00 Europe/Paris Improv Taster Workshop Get your 2025 off to a thrilling start and join us for a joyful & creative workshop where we will explore the principles of improv: listening, "yes and...", working as a team, and embracing & celebrating failure & mistakes. This workshop is suitable for absolute beginners and those with experience who want to play. The workshop will focus on various aspects of improv including games, short-form and long-form that allow you to try out improv in a safe and supportive team environment. Improv is a great way to meet new people so please join us afterwards for a drink, some food and a chat. What is improv? Improv is based upon the principle of ‘yes and’ meaning we accept what has been offered to us and build upon it. We make scenes on the spot based on a prompt, and see where the muse takes us. Teamwork, active listening, commitment, accepting mistakes and celebrating failure are all key to Improv and all of these skills can have positive effects outside the workshops in our personal and professional lives. Melissa strives to create a warm, supportive and safe environment where there is no pressure to be clever or funny; where you can just be yourself and most of all have tonnes of fun! Have some questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch. Rocas café-théâtre / café-concert, Rue des Capucins, Ville-Haute Luxembourg Rocas Bar


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Supermiro se refait une beauté pour Bruxelles et Genève.
Le service ne sera plus disponible pendant les prochains mois sur ces deux zones.
Mais reste DISPO pour Luxembourg et la Grande Région.