"In the Ether" is a live video performance presented as an activation of the eponymous installation by artist Lisa Slodki. The installation comprises five suspended CRT monitors and a set of VCRs connected by an abundant black cord. Lisa Slodki, active on the experimental noise scene in Chicago under the name Noise Crush, uses sequences found on pre-recorded tapes and digital and analog mixing techniques to manipulate the video. Each monitor displays a continuous black and white video loop. During the performance, these images will evolve and transform, expanding the original series into a woven narrative. The images, sourced from archives related to natural sciences or technology, become abstract, evoking celestial phenomena like solar eruptions or atmospheric lightning. The performance will be accompanied by a soundscape created with an etherphone, also known as a theremin.
Where does it take place?
Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain
41 Rue Notre Dame
2240 Ville-Haute
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